14 – Robin Ince


I was happier than a pig in shit to have a chat with comedian Robin Ince last week. I’ve been a fan of Robin’s comedy ever since I saw him supporting Ricky Gervais on his tour DVDs years ago and his recent work has really excited me as an atheist and as a (very novice) student of science.

Robin is in the country touring his Happiness Through Science show in association with the Atheist Foundation of Australia, critiquing silly religious ideas and celebrating the natural world through jokes. We talked and laughed about Australia’s religiosity, Robin’s journey to and conception of atheism, the “great big tumour of existence”, the danger of dogma, morality, Islam, the quantum qualities of plants, having children and whether or not he actually has sat on ham.



Robin’s Happiness Through Science tour in Australia

The Sunday Assembly 

Dignity In Dying 

Robin’s TEDx Talk: The Mind Is A Choas Of Delight 

Cause of the Week: Water Aid (wateraid.org/au)


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